January 2012 Moms

Worst Anniversary/Night in General Vent.

Last night was my 4th anniversary.  DH had to work in the morning, I thought I could sleep in.  DS had other plans, so I didn't get to sleep in.  Then when DH got out of work, I went to work.  (We work in the same place so we saw each other in passing and handed of DS.)  Work was fine other than I was working past the time I've been going to bed lately (normally I work morning/days).  Then I get home at 11pm and BIL is sitting in my chair watching a movie with DH (DS was asleep.)  So I get cleaned up a little and come out and sit...tell DH happy anniversary...and it would have been nice if BIL left...but no he stayed until about 1am.  Then DS starts crying and continued falling asleep and waking up crying every 20 minutes or so (crying for 20 minutes before falling asleep again too) until about 3 am.  Then 4:30 am the dog decides he HAS to go out.  So I let him out and back in.  And he does it again an hour later!  Then DS got up at about 7am.

Oh and to top it off a slutty girl that is always flirting with DH at work, asked him if he's happy his wife is leaving soon (we're moving a couple months before him) and he says, "I guess".  You never tell someone that is flirty with you that you might be happy your wife is going to be gone....not a good idea.  I've asked him to tell her to back off and he won't.  He says that her flirting with him just makes her look stupid...but I think it makes him look "open" to her advances.  And it pissed me off bc she got flowers (3 ugly carnations, but still flowers...from some other guy that likes her) at work yesterday and I didn't get anything...and it was my anniversary.

Okay Vent over.  Sorry.  I don't really have anyone else to vent this crap to and it's too much to bottle it up.

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