January 2012 Moms


Hi ladies!  I did an intro way back when I first found out I was pregnant, and have lurked since then, but never really got into posting.  I'm hoping I can join in, even though people seem to be starting to know each other pretty well now.  The only problem is that I can't post during the day at work, so I'll only be a nighttime poster.

A little about me: DH and I have been married for a little bit over 2 years.  This is Baby #1 and it was a bit of a surprise, but we're so excited about it.  I'm an attorney and DH just graduated and took the bar exam (too many attorneys in the family, I know!)  We're moving to the suburbs of Chicago tomorrow!  We're nervous to leave the city, but really excited to begin this new chapter.  We'll be finding out baby's gender at an elective u/s with my mom in 2 weeks, so I can't wait for that.  Anything else, feel free to ask!

And I don't know the name of the person who posted it, but if you posted about the crib on BRU, thanks!!  We're picking ours up on Monday, and I can't wait to see it!


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