January 2012 Moms

NBR: Barking dogs... I'm so annoyed with my neighbor

I came home from work to find this note shut in our screen door:

"We need to do something about your dog barking. He barks for over a 1/2 hour at a time. Please resolve before we have to call the city. Thanx,  (name & cell #)"

This is our City Ordinance:

106A.10. Barking Dogs. Subdivision 1. It shall constitute a nuisance and be unlawful if any dog barks, whines, howls, bays, cries or makes other noise excessively so as to cause annoyance, disturbance or discomfort to any individual provided that such noise lasts for a period of more than five minutes continuously or intermittent barking that continues for more than one hour and is plainly audible outside the property limits of where the dog is kept. It shall not be a violation of this section if the dog was barking, crying or making other noise due to harassment or injury to the dog or a trespass upon the premises where the dog is located.

Yes, our dog barks.  Excessively?  That would obviously depend on each person's viewpoint. But to me and DH? No.  I am home 4 days a week (work the other 3).  So I'm fully aware of how much she barks. If there's a squirrel or oppossum in the bark yard she'll bark. I mean, I'm not going to list all the difference things that make her bark but I KNOW she's not barking continuously for 30 minutes. 

I'm just PO'd that a neighbor I've never met has the nerve to write a note and leave it at my door.  Call the city?  I can guarantee my dog does NOT bark enough to be detained or taken from us, and I feel like the neighbor has to know that, so I feel like he's being more threatening than anything else.

We live on a 1/5 acre in the middle of the city. She's an 8lb dog so she doesn't even have that much of a bark. I don't quite understand how my neighbor can justify this note. If I had a super barky dog then I could. But I don't. She's a Min Pin.  Not to mention one of the friendliest dogs in the world (not that that makes a difference when it comes to barking).  I would love to honestly see the police officer's face when he's called over to investigate my dog's barking.

So where does this leave me?  I shall I "resolve" my dog's barking?

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