January 2012 Moms

Back from great 16 week appt. and A/S scheduled!

I couldn't be happier! My 16 week checkup went great, even got to see the little munchkin squirming away. HB at 161 which is great. I've been having some growing aches and pains the past few days and my doc said you could tell I had popped.

I also mentioned to him that this morning I felt a hard spot at the top right of the lower half of my belly (haha does that make sense? Just below the belly button off to the right), and he laughed and said it was the baby's head. I had freaked about it all day! I wish I could feel the LO already!

A/S now scheduled for Sept. 12th and I can't wait Smile Hope everyone has a great weekend! Hugs!

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