January 2012 Moms

How long are your checkups?

In particular for how long does the doc listen to the heartbeat?

When I go she listens to it for literally like 3 seconds, gets the rate and just tells me "in the 150s or last time 160s". Don't get me wrong I love my ob, she's great but that is the one part where I kind of feel rushed.

Also when do they start measuring your belly? Do they do anything more or differently once you start feeling the baby kick?

The reason I"m asking is b/c so far DH has been at all appointments and he loves and I also love having him there. Every appointment as "uneventful" as it may seem is a big deal to us and we love sharing the moment. But my next checkup he will have to skip b/c of work and I"m kind of worried she may be doing other things she hasn't before and I know DH will be sad for not seeing it. So just wondering if I should expect anything new/different. I'm thinking measuring the belly...


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