January 2012 Moms

impromptu u/s at 16wk appt

Had my 16wk appt today and the doctor couldn't find the hb.  I was SO glad we had a doppler at home.  We had found it last night and I knew the doc was looking too low.  I told her we found it higher last night but she finally just said "Oh forget it, I'm getting the u/s machine out."  yay!  I would have been totally freaking out if I hadn't heard the hb last night.

Baby was doing great, saw the hb and I was able to confirm that I have indeed been feeling the baby for a couple weeks.  Baby made a big movement at one point and I totally felt it, same thing I've been feeling for a while.  That was awesome!

Got my orders for the a/s so I'm off to schedule that now.... yay!

Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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