January 2012 Moms

Shower Date Advice

My sister is organizing my shower and has given me two options for the date - November 12th or 26th, which is Thanksgiving weekend.  Most of my family and friends are in the area, so my preference is to avoid the holiday weekend to ensure my aunts, cousins and friends will be able to attend. Once the shower is over, I plan on purchasing the items from our registry that are not given to us and prefer not to have to do this during the craziness of the holiday season. 

My mother-in-law lives out of town and will be in town for Thanksgiving weekend, so she told my sis that it will be easier if we do it that weekend.  although she hasn't mentioned it to me, this will probably make it easier on my sister as well.  She lives out of town and just had twins, so this would allow her to he in town for the holiday, whereas she wouldn't make both trips if we held it on the 12th. 

We typically havve showers at my aunt's house - she is the aunt I am closest with and has a beautiful home close by.  She is always glad to host a party.  However, she will be out of town Thanksgiving weekend and won't be able to host or attend.

I want to the date to be convenient for as many people as possible and worry about adding another thing to everyone's already hectic holiday schedule if we hold it on Thanksgiving weekend.  However, my mother-in-law and sister are two very important guests and I want to be considerate of them.  Any suggestions?

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