January 2012 Moms

Update: If I could change my good morning post

SOOO... was seen this morning and baby looks good, HB still at 150, plenty of fluid there.. no problems on that end.

 Dr. did an internal which shows one of the vessels on the outside of the cervix is bleeding, which he said he sees quite a bit and anything could have irritated it (I almost wish I had sex or something so I would know what caused it!)  Cervix is closed as well so it looks ok for now.  I have to just stay rested and go back next week for a check up. I need to call if it turns bright red or I start getting bad cramps. Right now I'm just a little uncomfortable, but that's bc he was poking around there.


Thank you for the thoughts and prayers- although I remained pretty calm (must be because I've been reading so many posts on here!) My husband on the other hand couldn't leave work and was freaking out.


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