January 2012 Moms

NBR : bff Vent =(

Anyone feel like the dynamics between certain friends have changed since...getting married...ttc...getting pg...having kids?

My best friend drives me up the wall now.  She still lives near where we went to college and works there and still "lives like a college student".  She calls to talk about getting trashed and who she is bumping at the time.

She wanted to know when we were founding out the sex so she could plan a big shower for us (she also hosted our big wedding shower).  I figured since she hadn't called in a couple of weeks that she was going to ask when we were finding out, what is going on, etc.  

Instead, the first thing she says is how she is kicking herself for sleeping with this one guy that she used to like who ended up not wanting a relationship.  Then she goes into details about how long it lasted, etc.

Next she goes on to talk about how she's going on a cruise, sorority drama (which since we're graduated, I'm not sure why you would want to continue to stay in the middle of that drama).

She then says...now when is it that we find out that you're definitely having a girl?  After I tell her the 22nd is the a/s...she's on to something else about someone else.

It makes me really sad, but I really seem to have nothing in common with her.  She's so wrapped up in still living it up that she doesn't even ask me anything about what we have been up to.  She spends the whole time talking about who and what she is doing. 

Anyone else seem to find that with major life changes your friendships change?

Favorite thing about fall...Florida Football!

What's cookin'? BFP: May 16, 2011 DD born January 19, 2012 | Chart BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary imageBabyName Ticker

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