January 2012 Moms

Is anyone else nervous..

About the possibility of a snow storm the day they go in to deliver?

I know I am. We had one of the worst winters last year, and I'm not expecting this one to be any better.


ETA: I should mention that I am about 30-45 mins away from the hospital I'm giving birth at, but in the event of an emergency, there is an emergency room type hospital (its all they do there) about 5 mins down the road.  I'm also planning on going on mat leave at the beginning of the month, so I don't have to worry about being at work when I go into labour.

<*>My Blog<*> Updated Sept. 20 My BFP Chart
Started TTC July 2010 ~ Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism April 2011 ~ BFP 5.10.11 EDD 1.16.12
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