January 2012 Moms

What should my uterus feel like?

Hi -

so I think I'm having a growth spurt but I'm not sure. Until a few days ago I don't think I've been able to feel my uterus, but in the past few days it's almost like it popped out of my pelvic region. The reason I say this when I run my hand over my lower abdomen there's a definite bulge there, and it's pretty hard to the touch. I'm fairly thin, so I don't have any cushion down there, so is this what my uterus should feel like?

Yesterday I was at the dentist and when I was leaned back in the chair it felt like the top of a hard ball when I ran my hand over my lower abdomen, right below my belly button.

This is just new for me so I don't know if that's what your uterus is supposed to feel like or if it shouldn't be "hard". Every little thing that's new concerns me. I see my doc this afternoon for my 16 week checkup so I'll ask him too and see if we can do a quick u/s to make sure all is well.

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