January 2012 Moms

A/S screens..

Seem to be so many different dates/weeks. I have gone to two different OB practices ( one with each pregnancy) and they were both adamant about scheduling your A/S during your 20th week so that all was formed and the most likely hood to catch anything is most likely at this point in gestation.  Did your doctors give you any instruction on what week to have your A/S? I specifically asked yesterday and she said all what I just typed and she ended by saying that it has to be done during your 20th week.  I have to wait until 20w4d because of babysitting issues with my DD.
Taylor Annalee 12/1/09 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Sean Thomas 1/26/2012 Lilypie First Birthday tickers Angel Baby missed m/c 2/17/11, D&E 2/18/11
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