January 2012 Moms


When I first found out I was pregnant I went to a clinic near my home and wasn't happy with the service so I switched. The second doctor my BF and I saw seemed really nice at first and we thought we would like him. The second appointment with the same doctor didn't go so well for me. He introduced himself like if we never met (And I totally get they're not gonna remember me but hey there are charts!) and it made me feel completely uncomfortable. He was in and out in like less than 5 minutes and I also disliked that. I really want to switch doctors again but my BF says that as long as he gets the job done it shouldn't matter. So here are my questions:

 Should I settle for this doctor as long as he's "getting the job done" or should I follow my gut and find another doctor who I could feel more comfortable with even though it'll be my third time switching?

Are most Drs around going to be rushed??? 

 BTW I'm 17 weeks =]

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