January 2012 Moms

A/S update, TEAM announcement, and EDD change!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday after my appointment, but my internet was being wonky, and I couldn't make any posts on TB!

Basically, I couldn't of had a better appointment! Everything looked good with the a/s.  We are now officially TEAM PINK!!!!  It was the very first thing the tech found.  DH and I couldn't be happier; now we just have to pick a name!  Baby girl is growing just like she should.  Dr. said she is about 9oz and her hb was 157bpm.  I now have a new EDD because of baby's size and a few other factors.  My new EDD is 1/5/12! 

The other great news is that my SCH has healed and reabsorbed back into my body.  They could find no evidence of any earlier bleeds and everything looks good, except for my placenta has not moved... in fact it sorta moved the wrong way and now I have placenta previa.  But, I am not overly concerned about that.  There is still time for it to move, and if it doesn't, then I will just have to have a c-section.  BUT, overall a wonderful appointment!!! 


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