January 2012 Moms

Flameworthy solution to pregnancy acne

Judge away :)


I have lots of those little bumps on my forehead that the Dermatologist called "Comedonal Acne".  She'd given me a cream to use for it that I used occasionally before but it's Catagory X for pregnancy so it's an eXtreme no-no right now! 

About once or twice a week I've started using those little alcohol wipes from the doctor's office and ran it across my forehead or any problem spots and it's helped a ton!  Not a cure-all but certainly an improvement.  And I have really sensitive skin (I can only wear specific makeups and use specific facial cleansers without it irritating my skin) so I'm shocked this is working, but it is.  So even though it's flameworthy, if one other person's pregnancy face can be saved it's worth the heat!  LOL

Oh yeah, i should add that I told my OB I was doing this and he laughed at me.  Which leads me to conclusion that it's safe :) 

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