January 2012 Moms

Anatomy Scan in 1 week! Question

My doctor is one who waits until 20 weeks to determine gender but I was SNEAKY and we're going in a week from today for an anatomy scan!  I'm taking my DH and mom and MIL and I really just want them to be there to see Baby W and know the gender.


So my question is... anyone take along family members for your u/s and have the OB get a little personal??  I'm having some serious issues with headaches that we are trying to regulate with new prenatals, magnesium, increased water intake, Q10, and B2 and the next step is BP meds (that I don't want MIL to know about)  Surely the OB won't divulge too much??


Guess I'm just worried that they'll be worried about me.  Baby #1 - 18 weeks today :)

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