January 2012 Moms

Need Some Input- NBR

I posted earlier about the truck we bought from my in-laws that broke down on me in Albuquerque. Well, now we're having more issues with it. It started giving us the check engine light about a month ago (which has suddenly disappeared over the past week) and just yesterday the A/C went out on my husband on his drive home.

We're beginning to feel like this thing may be a lemon and we've already put more into it fixing it then what we paid for thing. We're now at the crossroad of trying to decide what to do: should we fix the A/C and hope we don't have anymore problems or should we sell the thing? We've really enjoyed having a truck and second vehicle around so that's what is making the decision difficult.

We just paid off our primary car this month, so we could theoretically purchase another one, but at the same time I'm not sure we want to put ourselves back in debt with another car payment. 

I'm really upset over the situation and am having a hard time thinking clearly, so I need some input here. What would you do in this situation?

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BFP #1 5/07/11, DS 01/19/12
BFP #2 08/09/12, M/C 08/10/12
BFP #3 10/30/12, EDD 07/11/12...please stick!
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