January 2012 Moms

S/O pregnancy brain forgetful/embarassing moments

What's your newest one?  Forget something important?  Behave cluelessly in an obvious situation? 

 Mine:  I got out of my car at the mall and started walking away until my SIL informed me that not only had I left my keys inside the car, but the car was ON!  Ughhh, I'm glad I'm trying to give area thieves a leg up!  Thank God my SIL noticed!

Oh and I went to the store today for two items:  fruit and waffles.  I spent $50 and forgot the waffles, which I didn't notice until I was home.

Married DH - December 2006, Started TTC - July 2009, BFP - May 15, 2011 (round #1 chlomid) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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