Babies on the Brain

Saturday might be date night

Oh please please let it be!

SIL and BIL want to watch the boys all day. SIL is awesome and a pro and wants a trial run for when we go on vacation next month. I hope it still happens because that would mean I get to go see a movie!!  I haven't been in over 1 1/2 years! And then dinner and maybe drinks.

MY FOUR ANGELS... M/C 12/26/02 AT 4 WEEKS M/C 12/31/07 AT 12 WEEKS, D & C M/C 12/5/08 AT 9 WEEKS, D & C ***BFP ON 3/26/09*** MARY REYNA BORN AND PASSED AWAY JULY 31ST, 2009 AT 23 WEEKS. GOODBYE SWEET BABY...I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER. ***AFTER 17 WEEKS ON BEDREST*** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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