Babies: 9 - 12 Months

What is the law in your area regarding used baby furniture/toys

After watching an episode of 19 Kids and Counting where Josh and Anna were shopping for a crib for their second child I couldn't help but look at the screen like Indifferent.

In my province, it is against the law for stores to sell used cribs and other infant products like swings, excersausers, car seats, etc. You can buy used products like this on Kijiji (Canada's version of Craigslist) but a store can't sell them at all.

I tried to give an old swing to the Salvation Army a few months ago and they wouldn't even take it to sell. They said they could give it away, but it was against the law to sell. I guess this law prevents people from suing if the product harms a child because it is damaged.

Display models of these types of products in stores also cannot be sold also in case they are damaged. 

I assumed it was like this everywhere until I watch 19 Kids and Counting and saw them buying a used crib from a store.

So tell me, do other areas have this law as well, or are we the weird ones?

**Disclaimer- I have nothing against buying used (I have bought used products for LO- from Kijiji, not a store), I just find it odd that stores are allowed to sell it.


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