Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Flame if you must....but I have to know I'm not alone here!

Hi, Ladies -

I'm moving over from 6-9 a little early, if you don't mind.  DS seems to be more in line with the discussions on this board...

So....DH and I haven't had seksy time since DS was born - 8 months ago!  We didn't have any action while I was pregnant, either.  We don't have a broken relationship - things are good (not that he doesn't piss me off every once in awhile...but what DH doesn't?).  DH is just afraid to after my (TMI alert) Stage 3 tearing that happened when DS was born.  And he was one of those guys that was afraid of preggy seksy time, too.  I'm guessing he'll get over it soon enough, but that day has yet to arrive.

And - honestly?  I don't really care.  I don't miss sex at all.  I'm sure I'll have to put out soon here, but this break suits me just fine.  I'm too busy and tired right now to even think of it....let alone do it.  Stick out tongue

Anyone else?

(I know this may be crazy to some of flame away if you want.  I'm just curious if I'm not the only one!  I'm also hoping that if I'm NOT the only one, that you'll ADMIT IT!)

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