Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I'm going to lose my mind

I have complained frequently ab D's no napping. It's seriously making me angry though. I would never hurt her but I'm getting to the point of yelling. So far today, she had a 45 minute nap on the boob and that's it. She got 10 hours of sleep last night. Yesterday finally at 4:00 she got so tired from only having 1 catnap so she slept til 6:00 when I woke her up. Then, come bedtime at 8:30, she wouldn't sleep so after 1.5 hours of trying, she went down a little after 10. She's almost 9 months old and I'm starting to feel like a failure. I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever have a "schedule" or get any naps in. Sorry for the vent, thanks for "listening".

Edit: Not to mention I can rarely leave the room without her screaming :( I also should add I'm very thankful I have a healthy, beautiful baby. Just wish I had time to get anything done I guess.

Danica 10.22.10 | Milo 12.23.12

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