Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Weaning questions

So my hospital grade pump (which is the only one that works for me) is due back this weekend and since it's $80/month rental, it seems like the expense isn't worth it to get 2 ounces a day while she's at daycare. But I doubt I'll be able to give her anything at all once it's gone, which means I guess I'm weaning.

She still does like to nurse in the morning and night for comfort, though we have to supplement after. My supply just hasn't made it through returning to work, her love of solids, her sleeping through the night, and the nursing strike she was on last week.

I have mixed feelings about it and I worry that if I return the pump and she wants to keep comfort nursing in the morning and at night, there won't be anything for her. Has anyone else had this experience? Has it worked out? 

My pedi doesn't seem to think me keeping the pump for as little breastmilk as she's getting at this late stage is worth it adn everyhting I've read seems to agree with that, and all my friends are like "wow, 9.5 months, go you." I just wish I didn't feel like I was letting her down. 

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