Babies: 9 - 12 Months

PLEASE tell me your 9-10mo old feeding schedule

i was feeding DS solids twice a day and our pedi told us to now make his primary source if nutrition be solids so he should be eating solids 3 times a day. this is what our schedule "USED" to be:

wake at 6:30am, drink 7oz formula and right back to bed

wake for good at 8:30am 

breakfast at 9:45, 2oz fruit & approx 5oz formula

nap at 12

lunch at 1pm, 7oz formula

dinner at 4pm, 2oz veggies & approx 5oz formula

short nap at 4:30/5-ish 

6:30pm...7oz formula

7:00-7:30pm bed

now that i am feeding him approx 3.5oz fruits/veggies/oatmeal three times a day, i feel like i am OVER feeding him. but he is definitely still thirsty/hungry for formula after every meal. i am trying to give him a sippy cup with water as pedi suggested but he doesn't know how to put his head back to drink it yet and doesnt care for water much. adding snacks in the middle of every meal seems like too much! 

PLEASE share your feeding/sleeping schedule. i REALLY appreciate it!


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