Babies: 9 - 12 Months

If your baby weaned themselves from BF

I am just curious what your baby's "signs" were that they were ready to wean. 

I work full time and he goes to daycare M-F.  Right now, I nurse him when he wakes up, when we get home and before bed.  I pump once at work and send what I get to daycare, the rest he gets formula.  I also supplmnt our nursing with formula (after he nurses) sometimes.  Lately, I can't get him to suck for more than 10-15 seconds before he pulls off.  He will latch back on a few times and suck again for 10-15 seconds.  After that, I have to kind of guide his head that way and he will latch on again, but it's kind of reluctantly.  This happens whether there are distractions in the room or not.  I realize that babies his age get distracted very easily. He has been a distracted nurser since he was about 5 months old.  It is much worse now.  I can't imagine he's really even getting that much from me.  I know there is still milk in there though.  The only time he will really nurse decently is if he's tired, and even then, it's not great.

 I'm wondering if it sounds like he's trying to tell me that he's about ready to wean? The only reason that I still pump and nurse is b/c I enjoy that time we have together.  Now, the nursing is becoming somewhat of a hassle.  On the other hand, I don't want to force him to wean if he's not ready. 

Sorry that got so long.  Thanks if you made it through.

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