Babies: 9 - 12 Months

No power for 62 hours...what did I miss??

We just got our power back after 62 hours without it!  I was so tired of living out of a cooler and using our camping lantern to shower.

Luckily we have a gas stove, so I could light it with a match to heat up bottles and food for LO.  What would you do if you didn't have any way to heat up baby food?

We also put all our frozen food into our small deep freezer and took the whole thing over to my mom's because they have a generator, so they plugged it in for us.  It was just so crazy!!  I have never had to go without power for that long before....

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker My birthson who came before I was ready. He doesn't call me mom but I love him just the same. ~7/10/99~
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