Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Solids & Hard Stools - Advice needed

DS is starting to do better on solid foods but is now having very solid stools - like adult poops. From what I understood, his poops were supposed to be thicker but still soft while eating solids.

He is not a huge fan of liquids other than BM. I try giving him a little water with each meal and have also tried diluted prune juice but it's hit or miss - some days he will refuse completely and others he'll take about 2oz. I have also given him Karo syrup a couple of times (per pedi's recommendation when he was constipated) but for some reason I feel uncomfortable giving him syrup every day. It moved things a little but gives him gas.

I feel bad for him because I know he's uncomfortable when he goes but I have run out of ideas on how to soften things up. Should I start with the syrup daily? Anyone else with blocked up babies that found good alternatives? Sorry so long. TIA for any help.

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