Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Irritated (kinda long)

I need a place to vent and know you ladies will understand.

We are visiting my parents, DD and I flew up on Sunday and DH will drive up to meet us.  My brother, his wife, their 1 yr old son (A), her 5 yr old daughter and her sister came in on Tuesday.  Well, yesterday my mom. brother and I went to the bank to take care of some inheritance stuff from our grandmother who passed in February - it took 2.5 hours!! SIL was texting my bro the whole time 'CJ is beating up on A', 'CJ bit A' etc. 

Ok... um... my daughter is NOT a biter.  When we got home I asked my dad what had happened and he told me that A held out a puff for CJ and she ate it from his hand.  SIL freaked out and claimed CJ bit him!  Now they are calling her a biter.  This pisses me off to no end, especially since my bro later brought A to me and said "Watch this.  Give her a slap"  I was like, what?  Bro said, "he will slap you.  Give her a slap"  I told him, that's a great thing to teach him!  My dad commented on how it's not a good idea to encourage that behavior and bro said something about the biter he was holding. 

We are all here until Wednesday.  I am increasingly annoyed because I keep a tight rein on CJ.  When I tell her 'no' I don't tell her 10 times before removing her from whatever she is into.  I don't pick her up and console her when she throws a fit, I don't feed her every time she cries.  She gets away with very little (within reason for an 8 month old of course!) and I pride myself on how well behaved she is.  I appreciate the comments people make - both getting off the plane and again when we went to dinner Monday night people asked me if she was always that good. It's hard, but I try not to judge the way other people parent and when they accuse my child, repeatedly, of something she doesn't do it really gets my hackles up.

Help me get through this week!!!

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