Babies: 9 - 12 Months

DD is a picky eater, sorta. Ideas?

I'm really struggling with DD's meals lately. SHe only eats a few different foods, even though I offer new stuff all the time.

She is a fruit and veggie lover. She will eat green beans, carrots, peas, and lima beans all day long. I tried zucchini and broccoli....nope. She even went on strike against sweet potatoes.

She loves blueberries, pears, bananas, peaches, apples, avocado, watermelon and cantaloupe.

The only other things she'll eat is macaroni (plain or with red sauce), ravioli, cheese, yogurt, pizza, and waffles. Occainsionally I can get her to eat turkey meatloaf. I stay away from pizza too often bc it's junky, and yogurt bc she is showing signs of lactose intolerance. She doesn't even like grilled cheese bc she doesn't like the toast. (Maybe I should try not toasting the bread?)

What are some other things your LOs like? I'm at a loss for what to try with her that will keep her full. Fruit and veggies are great, but she's waking up to eat at 5 am lately. She never did this before

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