Babies: 9 - 12 Months


i see a lot of differing opinions on giving yogurts and cheeses at this stage. i know some people who kids started baby yogurt at around 8 months. at our 8 month check-up i asked about it and was told absolutely no dairy before 12 months and even to avoid stage 2 "dinners" like mac n cheese. the same doc told my sister not to start fruit or veggies until 6 months - but another doc in the practice told me to start them around 5 months or even a little before if she did well with cereal. i feel like if i had seen that doc again he may have ok'd yogurt. 

honestly - its not a big deal and i probably will avoid all dairy until 12 months simply because i was lactose intolerant as a baby (going back to when it was ok to start dairy at like 4 months lol - i couldnt tolerate it until 15 months).... but i just find all the discrepancies so annoying and confusing.

what has your experience been? 

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