Babies: 9 - 12 Months

BF's - weaning at one??

Okay, so I've started to give some thought about the weaning process coming up in the next few months and I'm not sure how to do things.  He has 4 teeth now and lately he'll randomly bite me and it's really starting to get painful.  So, I was thinking of weaning him on to pumped bottles next month when he's 10 months and then using my freezer supply in bottles when he's 11 months so I don't have to pump at work again when the school year starts in September.  Then, I'd have to wean him on to CM in a sippy cup at 12 months.  This seems like a lot of transistioning though and I'm wondering if there's any easier way to do this so the next 3 months aren't hell for us.

Have you all given any thought about this process?  Thoughts?

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