Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Yogurt's ok, but no milk yet?

Ok ladies, here's the thing...

 We went to our 9 mo check up and told the doc DD eats whole milk yogurt everyday (loves it!!) and has been doing so for the last 3 months. She's been eating bites of cheese also for the last few weeks. I naturally asked about transition from being totally FF to WCM in the next few months. The doc told me that he makes all his patients wait until 12 month to switch over... period. End of conversation. 

I'm a teacher and was hoping to get DD switched this summer to watch for any issues with milk intolerance while at home, especially since we're starting a new daycare in August and its one less thing to stress her with at that time.  

What would you do? Go against the doc or slowly start weening so she's on WCM by the start of school (think 8 weeks to transition) Any advice is appreciated!  

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