Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Did CIO - worked, but didn't. . .

So - long story short, we did CIO and this seemed to work great on cutting out the nighttime wakings/nursings (she was waking up every 2-3 hours).  FABULOUS.  She's STTN the night now (well, she gets up around 5am but I'm fine w/t his considering what we were dealing w/ before).

The problem, however, is the initial put down still.  It still takes anywhere from 20-40 minutes of crying (not just whining).  We have been consistently putting her down at around 7:45pm, after nursing, a little bit of rocking/cuddling.  It's the same every night for the past 2.5 weeks.  WTF?  When will the initial put down get better?  There was one time where she cried for only 5 minutes, but that was bc DH rocked her for almost 40 min (this was a random thing).  I have no problem taking the time every night if she needs to be rocked, but 40 minutes isn't doable. Anyone deal w/ this?  Any ideas? THANKS!


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