Babies: 9 - 12 Months

If you wouldn't mind...

I don't want to spam the board but if you happen to be in the area...could you vote for Kalista please? Thanks ladies :)

 Here is the FB link

Have a good night!

*Not sure why it's adding all the garbage at the end...sorry!

function entryFeedDialog() { var params = { method: 'feed', link: '', picture: '', name: 'How cute is Kalista?', caption: '', description: 'I just voted for this adorable face in the 2011 Gerber Generation Photo Search and you should too! You can come back every day and vote again.', actions: [ { name: 'Vote', link: '' } ] }; // add if IE6 or IE7, otherwise it gets stuck on "Loading" if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") > -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.") > -1) { params["display"] = "popup"; } FB.ui(params); } function entrySendDialog() { var params = { method: 'send', link: '', picture: '', name: 'How cute is Kalista?', description: 'I just voted for this adorable face in the 2011 Gerber Generation Photo Search and you should too! You can come back every day and vote again.' }; // add if IE6 or IE7, otherwise it gets stuck on "Loading" if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") > -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6.") > -1) { params["display"] = "popup"; } FB.ui(params); }
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