Babies: 9 - 12 Months

11 month old sleep issues-- help!?

My son used to sleep like a champ-- 10 - 11 hours straight. Then after he got his first tooth he's been waking 3-5 times a night again and not going back down easily. Also, it takes me a good hour and half to get him to go to bed at night these nights and now he's pulling the same antics with naps! 

Any suggestions for how to make it stop? Crying it out breaks my heart too much and makes him angrier... but I don't want to keep giving in and going in to give him a bottle etc. and help him get back to sleep. When he is waking, he's having a good 8-9 ounces because he is not eating as much during the day now that he seems to be getting a new tooth every other week... his poor little mouth is so sore. It also doesn't seem to make a difference if I give him baby tylenol before bed or not... he still wakes up the same amount of times.

Please-- any advice you have would be wonderful. this has been going on for 2 months now.  

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