Babies: 9 - 12 Months

OK I know shell walk when shes ready but...

its a lil depressing when your friends baby whos a month younger can walk circles around your kid... i dont think it would be soo bad if this friend wasnt the "one upper" type.  DD will be a year in 2 weeks and I wouldnt say were close to walking. She wont really even stand on her own. she pulls up and cruises along the furniture and has been doing that for awhile, she has just started standing on her own for like 30seconds LOL and every once in awhile she can get herself from sitting to standing but its like she realizes shes has no support and sits down.... I put her in a gymboree class and most of the kids walk and im hoping that seeing others walk will help her learn but so far she seems to be making some revert back to crawling LOL.   I know it will come in time when she gains the confidence.. just  a waiting game til then i suppose =]

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