Babies: 9 - 12 Months

My son is acting abnormal

My son has always been a very easy, calm, cheerful baby. even as an infant he hardly ever cried, unless he was hungry/needed new diaper/etc. He is almost 10 mos old now. He has never been sick. (LUCKY ME!) The last few days have been very challenging. Two days ago, he threw up twice (like threw up everything he just ate threw up). I thought the first time it was because he choked a little bit on a carrot in the baby food i was feeding him and cough cough spew. So I wasn't too worried, just cleaned it up and we went about our day. But when I was feeding him his bedtime bottle, he took the first drink and he threw up again. ALOT. SO and I cleaned him up, cleaned the floor up, I tried to give him his bottle, he refused. I tried to give him water, he refused. So I just layed him down and he went to sleep without much fuss.

The next day threw up once more after I finished feeding him his lunch. We hadn't gotten to the bottle yet, we had just finished his jar of baby food. Threw it all up. I called his dad to say I was worried, and he agreed that if he threw up again the next day (yesterday) we should call doctor. 

 Yesterday he kept every bottle down, and he kept down the banana and potato I gave him. So I was feeling more confident. But he is really cranky. And his naps are falling too close together. He used to wake up around 7, nap around 9 or 10  for about 2 hours. Then go down again between 1 and 3 for about another hour and a half. These last four or five days, he has been waking up 6-7. napping from 830-10 (if that). Then is so cranky refusing food, play, etc. that i lay him down for another nap around Noon.

Today, He got up a little before 7. Napped from 830-11. It is 12:45 and he is already in bed again. He ate some broccoli at 12, but REFUSED his bottle. Like absolutely wanted nothing to do with it. Usually he is so happy and he eats well. Food, then bottle, food then bottle, etc. I mean, he gets cranky when he is tired but he is absolutely unbearable. I can't help but think something is wrong, but SO seems to think that our son is ''always a little cranky''. Every baby gets cranky, but Oskar is being completely insatiable. I mean, he won't even play with me! I don't know what to do, especially if SO thinks everything is fine. (We are currently living in Finland, SO is finnish, so if I need to call doctor he really needs to be the one to do it since I only speak English)

I don't know what could be wrong with him, I thought maybe he was teething, but I don't feel anymore teeth coming in (he has 3 right now). I don't even have any friends here that I can ask for advice from bc of all the people I have met, none of them have kids.....

If someone has any advice, please help! I am concerned about him, but I am also worried that maybe hes fine and I am just worrying too much bc this is my first child so I don't want to be worried if I don't need to be..... But since he has never been sick yet, I don't know what to watch for in his behavior so when it changes so much, it concerns me.

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