Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Night terrors.

Does anyone's LO get night terrors?

My babe used to sleep through the night until teething started (he has gotten eight teeth in the last two months.) With teething, he'd get a little upset during the night, I'd have to nurse him a bit more or soothe him and he'd be back out asleep. This would happen a couple times a night during his teething. When he had a good night, he'd wake up once or twice in two hours which was fine by me.

The last three nights, he wakes up *screaming* -- noises I have never heard from him before, and he'll start crawling around, or try sitting up and just fall over... His eyes are usually closed and if they're open he doesn't even look at me. If I lift him up, he arches his back and screams harder... Eventually he calms down and just flops over asleep or I will get the boob in his mouth and he nurses and passes out fine. This screaming period will last anywhere from 20 minutes to 40, and he is unconsolable.

Does anyone else have experience with this?

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