Babies: 9 - 12 Months

WTF? (LONG - but the backstory is necessary)

I posted awhile ago that my Dad's niece was molested by her father pretty severely as a toddler. I won't go into any details, but it was pretty bad. We let my aunt and my cousin stay with us through the divorce proceedings for almost 2 years. Until one Christmas when my little sister "got a better Christmas gift" from our grandma than my cousin (which was a bunch of crap - it was the same gift just a little bit different) and my aunt decided she was taking my cousin back to Ohio (we lived in Arkansas at the time). My mom chased her down the hall and stood in front of the door, pleading with my aunt not to take my cousin back to that situation, and when my aunt pushed past my mom, called my dad's work (he was military) to get him to stop her (this was before cell phones). My dad got permission to leave his post, drove like a madman to grandma's (where my aunt went to get more $$ for bus fare), but my grandma stalled her long enough for my dad to get there. Dad begged her not to take my cousin back up there, offered to become my cousin's legal guardian so she could stay with us and not have my aunt forfeit her rights completely as a mom. My aunt refused, took my cousin back to Ohio, and then just decided to give my cousin to a couple she bumped into OFF THE STREETS. It KILLED my dad and grandma. Over the next few years, Dad enlisted the help of my great-aunt who worked for Social Security department in Arkansas to try and track her down. He found her 5 years later, and it turns out that the couple my aunt gave her to were actually GOOD, SOLID people, got her the help she needed, adopted her, and she was in a safe place. My cousin couldn't remember much of what happened, and she could only really remember my younger brother and me, and our dog. It hurt my dad, but at least she couldn't remember everything else, and it gave him peace of mind to know she was taken care of and loved. He respected her adopted parents' wishes and we haven't contacted my cousin since.

Fast-forward 18 years. My aunt has FB. She found my brother, sister, and me on FB and got back into contact with my dad. He's told her about my DS and my nephew, and she constantly asks us for pictures. NOW she is posting on my FB page that she can't wait to visit us and see my DS. Is there a nice way to put that I LIKE having miles and miles between us and under no circumstances do I ever want her to be alone with my kid? She has always sworn up and down that she "never knew" what was happening to my cousin, but my mom spotted the truth quite easily. I don't see how she COULD NOT KNOW, and if she knew and didn't get help until my mom alerted DFS, that makes her complicit. What the crap am I supposed to do??? My dad doesn't see the harm, but I can't get it off my mind...

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