Babies: 9 - 12 Months

STL moms... TheBump's looking for you!

(XP from Knot Jen...)  

St. Louis Birth Story/Pregnancy Diary


If any of you guys know someone on your boards who would like to share their birth story or pregnancy diary in our local magazine, I'm looking for a submission.

Here's what we need sent to

Basic info

  • Full name
  • Age
  • City and State
  • Your local faves
  • Hospital
  • OB/GYN
  • Crave-satisfying restaurant
  • 3D/4D sonogram spot
  • Which store do you buy:
    • Maternity clothes
    • Baby clothes
    • Infant gear

      Your pregnancy diary
  • Please write 6 entries as indicated below
    • 1st entry
      • Date
      • Approx 105+ words
      • Describe the day you got your BFP!
    • 2nd entry
      • Date
      • Approx 85 words
      • Landmark moment
    • 3rd entry
      • Date
      • Approx 80 words
      • Describe the day of your ultrasound
    • 4th entry
      • Date
      • Approx 98 words
      • Landmark moment (i.e. baby shower, etc.)
    • 5th entry
      • Date
      • Approx 68 words
      • Landmark moment
    • 6th entry
      • Date
      • Approx 155 words
      • Describe the day you gave birth!


Please include 6+ photo options (more the better!) - original photos from the camera

  • We are looking for photos of you pregnant, your sonogram, landmark moments, around the time of baby?s birth/shortly thereafter

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