Babies: 9 - 12 Months

BEYOND picky eater!!!!

My DD is sooo picky...I am running out of ideas, please help!

 The few things she does eat:

peaches, pears, ANY kind of cracker, chicken (only grilled), cooked carrots (with a very little dip), gerber graduates puffs, pickles, sugar snap peas,hot dogs and yogurt.

We have tried:

waffles, toast with jelly, mac-n-cheese, plain noodles, peas, green beans, hamburger, oatmeal - I know there are other things, I just can't think of them at the moment.

 At times she will eat baby  food, but she wants to do it herself (which I am okay with) but by about her third spoonful (handful) she is throwing it on the floor for the dog...urgh!

 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!  


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