Babies: 9 - 12 Months

WDYT? The 'R' Word

So I was at a big family fish fry over the holiday weekend. My brother has two daughters (10 and 13) who were with us plus one of said daughter's girlfriends (also 13). Dinner ended and most of the family left the table and went outside. Brother and SIL were still at the table along with me and my H. The three girls put their faces up to the window from outside and waved to us (our table was just inside the window). My brother says "Oh, hey, look, it's three retards in the window."

I was so shocked I didn't say anything for a second and he was, like, "What?" I managed to sputter out something about him using the R word and he sarcastically replied "Well, I'm sorry to offend your sensibilities." B and I live many states apart so I rarely see him but I thought he was more sensitive than to 1) use that word and B) to use it for his own daughters!

So WDYT? What would you have said to him?

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