Babies: 9 - 12 Months

10 month old refusing liquids

My 10 month old is refusing the bottle at day care.  When we are home he nurses but only for short periods of time and gets fussy during nursing sessions.  I soothe and calm him to continue nursing.  I'm afraid that if I don't nurse for 10-15 minutes he won't get enough.  On the other hand, I'm afraid that continuing even though he is fussy will only make him fussier or make him not want to nurse all together. I've tried every nipple and sippy cup I can find to see if he will take any sort of liquids but he doesn't seem to want them whether its breast milk, juice, or water.  He is teething right now but this started before teething.  I've had him to the doctor to check for ear infection but doc says he is fine. He is in only in the 10th percentile for weight but doc says he is not concerned at all.  He seems vey happy and playful and not nearly as bothered by this as his mom and dad are. Although he is still having 5-7 wet diapers per day, they have a strong scent of urine which I'm told means he isn't getting enough fluids.  I'm just very concerned that he is going to be dehydrated or become ill.  Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions?


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