Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Please sleep!

Little girl started crawling like a fiend about 2 weeks ago.  Now she is pulling up, taking some assisted steps and climbing the stairs.  All of these milestones are exciting, but she's not sleeping!!  Last night was the worst - she went down at 9, woke up around 11:30 and wanted to play.  It was a fight and a horrible  cycle of CIO, rock, bring her to bed, no you can't jump on Daddy, rinse, repeat 3x.  I finally got her down around 3 and she was up at 6:30.

Now, of course she is napping and I'm going to try to get a nap in too, but I'm wondering how long this will last.  I remember that she did this for a bit when she started to roll over and then when she started to sit on her own but I can't remember how long it lasted... it's been about 2 weeks and I am exhausted!!

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