Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Do I leave her in there?

Juliana went down for her nap around 11 like usual but she only slept for maybe a half an hour when she usually sleeps for an hour to 2 and half hours (this is her longest and sometimes only nap of the day). Once she woke up I got her out of her crib and put her down to play since I was in the middle of cleaning the floors. Well, she got fussy soon like I expected so I put her back down in her crib and now it's almost an hour later and she is still awake in her crib. She isn't fussing, she is just talking away in there. So, do I leave her or do I take her out since she isn't acting like she is going back to bed.

I was really hoping on getting some deap cleaning done during her nap. lol.

DD - Juliana Joan - Born October 27, 2010 - My Little Princess
BFP 1/14/13 - M/C 1/22/13 @ 5 weeks
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