Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Joining WW vs. joining a gym?

For those of you that have done WW post-pregnancy, what are your opinions about it?

I'm such a frugal person and hate to spend extra money, but I need to do something to make me motivated again and excited about working out.  I used to be a member of the YMCA, but stopped membership a couple of years ago to put the money towards bills.

I could join WW meetings for $40 a month, or I could join the YMCA for $50/month.  I miss going to group exercise classes at the Y.  But I wonder if I would benefit more from a meeting to support me in helping count food points and keep me accountable for my weight.

Thoughts/opinions? :-)

My Ovulation Chart

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

TTC #1 since June 2009: irregular cycles
BFP 1/20/10, EDD 9/28/10, born 10/5/10

TTC #2 since Nov 2011:
BFP 2/8/12, MC @ 5 weeks; BFP 3/22/12, MC @ 5 1/2 weeks; BFP 9/10/12, MC @ 6 weeks

Started seeing RE Nov 2012. Chromosomal test and all other tests came back "normal". Unexplained MCs. Found mild hytpothyroidism. Two unmedicated cycles, both BFNs. First medicated cycle (clomid, ovidrel) 1/23/13. Low progesterone found during 9DPO P4 test = 7.6. Put on prometrium supplements.

BFP 2/16/13; 2/18/13 (13 dpo): Beta #1=52.8, progesterone=18.7; estrogen = 412; Dr. increased progesterone dosage.
2/21/13 (16 dpo): Beta #2 = 269; progesterone = 32.4
2/25/13 (20 dpo): Beta #3 = 1,236
2/28/13 (23 dpo): Beta #4 = ?? tbd
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