Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Intro and a Question

Hi Everyone!

I am a stay at home mom to my 10 month old son.  I don't usually post to much because I am out in California and usually by the time I get on I have missed the discussion.

Since you all tend to be very honest I need to know if I am being ridiculous or if I am justified in feeling the way I do.  

Backstory--My MIL and I get along most of the time.  She is a very nice person, but also probably the most manipulative person I have met in my life.  

Weeks ago my husband and I decided on the date for our sons 1st birthday party and we told everyone because it was the only date anywhere near his birthday that would work.  Since then MIL asks every couple of days when we are having the party (her way of hinting to us to change the date, she has done this before.)  Last night she tells me that she is thinking of having BIL's engagement party the day after because that way BIL will be in town for the birthday party.  BIL has not set a wedding date yet but they are thinking next June and they live 5 hours away (1 hr plane flight.)  When she told me this I didn't know what to say because the guest lists for the two parties would be exactly the same.  I just told her that I didn't know if it was a good idea because we would be taking up peoples whole weekend and I didn't want people to have to choose between the parties.  MIL did not like my response.  I think two parties in one weekend is asking a lot of family members.  

Am I being crazy?  

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