Babies: 9 - 12 Months


Your friends dr actually told her he thought she would fail the GD test because of her weight?!  He does sound like an a&%!  I would have been pissed.  My doctor specifically told me that weight is not a factor.  Im not skinny by any means but im not fat either.  I would be searching for a new doc after that.  What a jerk.  

 I should add that I had a scheduled c-section b/c DD was breech.  She ended up being 9lb 6oz but I had expected worse since my GD wasn't discovered until 34 weeks.  

And you should tell your friend that she will probably weigh less after she delivers than she did before she got pregnant.  By the end of my pregnancy I had only gained about 20 lbs total and by a week after I delivered I was lighter than pre-preg weight.   

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