Babies: 9 - 12 Months

BINI and beccs (and other big-baby mamas)!

At the risk of sounding creepy/stalkerish, I just wanted to jump in from lurking and say that I LOVE Tino and Charlie! They are so adorable. I always think my Nathan is a big dude (we're thinking he's 25 lbs-ish now at about 8 mo) but then I read your posts and wonder what kind of massive muscles you've all managed to build!

Also, I like to make the excuse that Nathan isn't crawling yet b/c he's so big...but I wonder if he's just lazy too. He pushes up and scoots backwards but hasn't figured out how to get his hips up. He can stand but can't pull himself up. I saw the video of Charlie cruising and I'm jealous! Can I ask how Tino's doing with that?

Also, when you have to carry them for a while, how do you do it? I'm worried we've outgrown the Baby Bjorn and N doesn't have a ton of patience with the Moby but he might have to make do. I don't always want to take a stroller places!

He's getting so big, but the world will always be bigger, and he'll always be my baby...
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