Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Reposting here - I need your help, ladies!

I posted on 6-9, too, b/c I don't really know where my bishes post these days!


Big decisions (well, okay ones that *seem* big) seem to trigger my post-partum anxiety. For me, that means I am paralyzed by options and can't make a choice for fear of making the "wrong" one. I'm working on this, but I need some help.

So...Eli's appetite keeps growing and my supply has stayed the same, even diminished a little bit. I can easily meet his need while jsut nursing, but I simply can NOT pump out what he needs on a daily basis. He takes about 20-ish oz a day at DC, and I can pump out maybe 12-15oz on a good day. I'm pulling from my stash, which is fine, but at this point, I have about 50oz left in the freezer. That won't last long.

I know I'm going to have to supplement. Here's where my PPA gets me, though. I can't decide how to do it.

Do I use up my freezer stash completely, and then just fill in the empty bottle gap with a formula bottle? (so basically he'd get 3 BM bottles and 1 formula) Do I keep some milk in the freezer, just in case, and then fill in the gap with formula? Do I stop pumping altogether and just give formula? If I do that, won't my supply completely dry up?


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